The stomach is the most important organ of the body which plays an important role in the functioning of the body. Excessive internal problems occurring in the body are related to the stomach. The stomach takes food and provides energy to the body. Many problems arise in the stomach due to disturbances in food or other reasons; stomach pain is also one of them
Abdominal pain can be due to many reasons, but in most cases, it is due to constipation, gas, diarrhea, heartburn, ulcers, and kidney stones. However, there can be other reasons for abdominal pain.
There are many symptoms of abdominal pain. However, its main symptoms may include:-
Why does stomach ache?
Abdominal pain can be due to many reasons. The main causes of abdominal pain may include the following:-
Doctors use tests to confirm the exact cause of abdominal pain. After the test results are out, doctors choose the mode of treatment keeping in mind the cause of abdominal pain and the age and overall health of the patient. Consult the best gastroenterologist for abdominal pain treatment in Indore.
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